What levels of consciousness are you operating from?

In my book, The Metrics of Human Consciousness, I explain what consciousness is, how it operates and how to measure it.

MHC Cover

If you want to find out what levels of consciousness you operate from follow this link.

The assessment takes just a few minutes and you will get your report almost immediately.

To read more about the Metrics of Human Consciousness, follow this link.

“Richard Barrett offers us an exciting new direction for measuring consciousness. He has proven that the insights these measures bring can significantly improve our individual, organisational and societal performance. The work of the Barrett Values Centre stands as a testament to what can be achieved by seriously applying ourselves to the measurement of conscious.”

-Dr. Marc Gafni, Co-Founder and Director, Center for Integral Wisdom and Dr. Zachary Stein, Academic Director, Center for Integral Wisdom

Personal Evolution as a Spiritual Journey

Most people think of evolution in physical Darwinian terms, from the perspective of the evolution of species. My purpose in this paper (click here) is to show evolution in a different light, from the perspective of the evolution of human consciousness.

We can think about the evolution of human consciousness in two ways: as a cultural phenomenon beginning about 200,000 years ago when modern man (Homo sapiens) emerged as the most successful strain of the genus Homo, or as a personal phenomenon that affects all of us, stretching from the moment we are born to the moment we die. It is this latter perspective that I explore in this paper.

Stages of Psychological Development


Mind-fitness for leadership…experience it and find out what it’s all about

I attended the introductory session to Mind-fitness for leadership with  Dr. Joel & Michelle Levey, Founders, Wisdom at Work, and George Pór, Fellow, Future Considerations yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it: Not that I am novice, I just wanted to enjoy a full-day of mindfulness and could not attend the Advanced Mind-fitness Seminar on Thursday 12 June in London.

You can find out more about the Advance Mind-fitness seminar by clicking here.

Wisdom at work



Dr. Joel & Michelle Levey, Founders, Wisdom at Work
George Pór, Fellow, Future Considerations – See more at: http://futureconsiderations.com/learn/mindfulness/mindful-leadership-and-wisdom-at-work-advanced/#sthash.vnlst8j6.dpuf
Dr. Joel & Michelle Levey, Founders, Wisdom at Work
George Pór, Fellow, Future Considerations – See more at: http://futureconsiderations.com/learn/mindfulness/mindful-leadership-and-wisdom-at-work-advanced/#sthash.vnlst8j6.dpuf
Dr. Joel & Michelle Levey, Founders, Wisdom at Work
George Pór, Fellow, Future Considerations – See more at: http://futureconsiderations.com/learn/mindfulness/mindful-leadership-and-wisdom-at-work-advanced/#sthash.vnlst8j6.dpuf

Happy people don’t worry about money

This article by Shannon Kaiser (click here) on the Seven Habits of Happy People has had so many shares from my Facebook page that I thought it might be good to explore the article in more detail from the soul’s perspective. I suggest you read the article and then come back here to read my commentary. I will deal with each of the habits in a separate blog over the coming days. This is the fourth blog in the series.

Happy people don’t worry about money

There are three important ideas we can explore here.First, what we fear we attract. When you worry about not having enough, you will attract not having enough. So, do not worry about money; you will be attracting poverty.


Second, being generous embodies the idea of connection. We are all individuated aspects of the same energy field. In the fourth-dimension of consciousness we are all souls, and at a higher dimension of consciousness, we are all one. So, effectively, when I give to you, I am giving to myself. When I smile at you, I smile at myself. Giving becomes the same as receiving.

giving and receiving

Third, regard whatever you have at any moment in time as sufficient for your needs. That is how you realize everything is perfect. You lose sight of perfection, when you think you have needs. Thinking you have a need makes life not perfect and that is how you let in fear. Living in soul consciousness, means trusting your soul to provide for your needs.

Want to find out more about connecting with your soul, check out this broadcast and book.

Happy people are unapologetic about their desires

This article by Shannon Kaiser (click here) on the Seven Habits of Happy People has had so many shares from my Facebook page that I thought it might be good to explore the article in more detail from the soul’s perspective. I suggest you read the article and then come back here to read my commentary. This is the third of the seven habits.

Follow your dreams

Happy people follow their dreams: they are unapologetic about what they want. They make their dreams come true by being very clear about what it is they want to manifest in their lives.

This is a four-dimensional principle: you create what you think about. When you bring your will to bear on your soul’s purpose, there can be no holding you back. Your soul came into your body to lead a values- and purpose-driven life. Whatever you are passionate about is what your soul is asking you to focus on. Go for it!

In order to manifest what we want we have to choose growth over safety. Abraham Maslow puts it this way:

Abraham Maslow

We can consider the process of healthy growth to be a never ending series of free choice situations, confronting each individual at every point throughout his (or her) life, in which he (or she) must choose between safety and growth, dependence and independence, regression or progression, and immaturity and maturity.

Want to find out more about connecting with your soul, check out this broadcast and book.